Finding Messiah - 2024
"Finding Messiah" is a political musical drama film directed by Oscar Heman-Ackah. It is his feature film directorial debut. The movie revolves around the fictional nation of The Republic of Zambay, an ancient civilization with its own culture, language, and sensibilities. The story focuses on a group of protesters fighting against an established political class that oppresses the people it is meant to protect. The film deals with political unrest and features a messy political landscape
The film features a notable cast, including Peter Edochie, Ngozi Ezeonu, Alex Usifo, and Susan Peters. Oscar Heman-Ackah, a Ghanaian-Nigerian music executive and creative entrepreneur, wrote and directed "Finding Messiah" under Sol Tracka Productions. The movie is described as an epic political musical drama
As of the search results, the movie is set to be released in 2024. The official trailer and teaser have been released, generating anticipation among viewers. The film's magnitude and exceptional cast have added to the excitement surrounding its release
. However, specific details about the release date and distribution platforms are not mentioned in the search results.
"Finding Messiah" is a political musical drama film directed by Oscar Heman-Ackah. It revolves around the fictional nation of The Republic of Zambay and explores political unrest and the fight against an oppressive political class. The movie features a notable cast and has generated anticipation among viewers. However, specific information about the release date and distribution platforms is not available in the search results.