Mea Culpa - 2024
"Mea Culpa" is a 2024 American legal thriller film written and directed by Tyler Perry. The movie stars Kelly Rowland as a criminal defense attorney who takes on the case of an artist, played by Trevante Rhodes, who is accused of murdering his girlfriend. The film also features Sean Sagar, Nick Sagar, RonReaco Lee, Shannon Thornton, and Angela Robinson. It was released by Netflix on February 23, 2024
The film follows an ambitious criminal defense attorney, Mea Harper, who takes on the murder case of an artist, Zyair Malloy. The truth isn't as obvious as it seems, and as she tries to determine the innocence or guilt of her client, it is uncovered that everyone is guilty of something
The movie received mixed reviews, with a 23% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes, with an average rating of 3.3/10. The consensus on the website reads: "Neither campy enough to qualify as a guilty pleasure nor exciting enough to hold up as a thriller, Mea Culpa is a sorry entry in the Tyler Perry filmography"
Kelly Rowland stars in and produced the movie, and Tyler Perry directed, produced, and wrote the film. The chemistry between Rowland and Rhodes is described as electric by Perry, and the film marks Perry's fourth project for Netflix
"Mea Culpa" premiered at the Paris Theater in New York City on February 15, 2024, and was released by Netflix on