Ego - 2013
The movie "Ego" is a 2013 film that falls under the genres of comedy, drama, and romance. It was directed by Lisa James Larsson and features Martin Wallström, Mylaine Hedreul, Sissela Kyle, and Peter Andersson in the lead roles. The film revolves around a 25-year-old character named Sebastian, whose life is focused on surface and appearance, filled with parties, money, and one-night stands. However, an accident leaves him blind, forcing him to re-evaluate his life and seek meaning beyond appearances.
It's important to note that there is another film titled "Ego" that was released in 2013, which is a Tamil romantic comedy directed by S. Sakthivel. This film features debutant Velu and Anaswara Kumar in the lead roles, with Bala Saravanan in a supporting role.