Tarot Movie - 2024
Genre: Supernatural Horror
Plot: A group of college friends gather for a seemingly harmless night of fun, using a strange tarot deck. However, little do they know, their actions awaken an unspeakable evil trapped within the cards. One by one, they face gruesome deaths foretold by their tarot readings, and they must race against time to break the curse and escape their grim fate.
Cast: Harriet Slater
Adain Bradley
Avantika Vandanapu
Wolfgang Novogratz
Humberly González
Larsen Thompson
Jacob Batalon
Directed by: Spenser Cohen and Anna Halberg
Reception: Reviews for "Tarot" (2024) have been mixed. While some praise its suspenseful atmosphere and adherence to classic horror tropes, others find the plot predictable and the characters underdeveloped.
Release: The film was theatrically released in the United States by Sony Pictures Releasing on May 3, 2024. It may still be playing in some theaters depending on your location.