Art Of Eight Limbs (2024)
"Art of Eight Limbs" is a 2024 action film directed by Robert Grasmere. The plot centers around a U.S. agent who goes undercover at a martial arts training camp, which is suspected of being a front for a chemical weapons operation. This thrilling narrative combines elements of espionage with intense martial arts action, as the protagonist must navigate the dangers of both the criminal world and the rigorous training environment.
The film stars Ludi Lin in the lead role, alongside Ron Smoorenburg and other notable actors. The screenplay is written by H. Daniel Gross, who is also one of the producers, along with Ryan C. Jaeger and Shannon McIntosh.
"Art of Eight Limbs" premiered in select U.S. theaters on August 16, 2024, and is set to be available on Video on Demand (VOD) starting August 27, 2024. The film has generated excitement for its action sequences and the unique premise of blending martial arts with a high-stakes undercover mission.