Mystery Girl (2011)
"Mystery Girl" is a TV movie released in 2011, also known as "A Crush on You". It is a romantic comedy that revolves around a case of mistaken identity through email communication. The film follows the story of Ben McCauley, who accidentally sends an email expressing his affection to the wrong woman, Charley Anderson, instead of the intended recipient, Chloe. As a result, Ben starts dating Chloe while developing an anonymous online friendship with Charley. Eventually, Ben discovers his mistake and must navigate the complications that arise from his tangled relationships.
Cast and Crew
The main cast of "Mystery Girl" includes:
Brigid Brannagh as Charley Anderson
Sean Patrick Flanery as Ben McCauley
Christine Scott Bennett as Chloe
The movie was directed by Allison Anders.
"Mystery Girl" received mixed reviews and has a rating of 6.1/10 on IMDb. It is considered a comedy and romance film suitable for general audiences, with no explicit content or strong language.
The movie was produced for the Hallmark Channel and is part of their original movies lineup. It aired on the Hallmark Channel in 2011
. If you're interested in watching "Mystery Girl," you may be able to find it available for streaming on platforms like Prime Video or Hallmark Movies Now, or you can check your local TV listings for any upcoming broadcasts.