In Your Eyes (2014)
"In Your Eyes" is a 2014 American paranormal romance film directed by Brin Hill and written by Joss Whedon. The movie stars Zoe Kazan, Michael Stahl-David, Nikki Reed, Steve Harris, and Mark Feuerstein. It is the second feature film produced by Bellwether Pictures, a production company founded by Joss Whedon and his wife Kai Cole.
The film tells the story of two seemingly unconnected individuals, Dylan and Rebecca, who develop a telepathic bond that allows them to see, hear, and feel each other's experiences. Despite being thousands of miles apart, they form a deep connection and embark on a unique metaphysical romance.
"In Your Eyes" premiered at the 2014 Tribeca Film Festival on April 20, 2014. The movie received mixed reviews from critics, with praise for the performances and the depiction of the couple's growing intimacy, but some felt that the obstacles keeping them apart lacked development.
The film's soundtrack, composed by Tony Morales, combines string instruments, piano sounds, and electronic music to create a sense of mystery and romantic energy.