Blue Lock (2024)
"Blue Lock" is a spin-off anime film based on the popular manga and anime series of the same name. The movie, titled "Episode Nagi," focuses on the character Seishiro Nagi and explores his life before he enters the Blue Lock facility. It is set in the world of soccer and follows Nagi as he discovers his hidden talent for the game and receives an invitation to the mysterious Blue Lock Project.
The film was announced by Sony Pictures Entertainment on May 11, 2024, with a global theatrical release scheduled for June and July 2024. Crunchyroll, a popular streaming platform, announced that the movie would be released in North American theaters on June 28, 2024, just two months after its release in Japan.
"Blue Lock: Episode Nagi" is the first theatrical release for the Blue Lock franchise since its anime adaptation premiered in 2022. The movie is based on a spin-off series illustrated by Kota Sonnomiya, which is derived from the original Blue Lock manga written by Muneyuki Kaneshiro.
While specific details about the movie's plot and reception are limited in the search results, it is mentioned that the film explores the story of Seishiro Nagi and his journey in the world of soccer. It is described as a spin-off from the main Blue Lock series, with elements of drama and sports.
If you're interested in watching "Blue Lock: Episode Nagi," you can look for its release in theaters or check for updates on streaming platforms like Crunchyroll, which has acquired the North American and select international rights for the movie.
"Blue Lock: Episode Nagi" is a spin-off anime film based on the Blue Lock manga and anime series. It focuses on the character Seishiro Nagi and his journey in the world of soccer before entering the Blue Lock facility. The movie was announced for a global theatrical release in June and July 2024, with Crunchyroll acquiring the North American and select international rights. If you're a fan of the Blue Lock series or enjoy sports-themed anime.