Borderlands (2024)
Borderlands is a 2024 American science fiction action-comedy film directed by Eli Roth and based on the popular video game series developed by Gearbox Software. The film features a notable cast, including Cate Blanchett as Lilith, Kevin Hart, Jack Black, and Gina Gershon. It premiered at the TCL Chinese Theatre in Los Angeles on August 6, 2024, and was released in theaters on August 9, 2024.
The story follows Lilith, an outlaw who teams up with a group of misfits to find the missing daughter of the most powerful man in the universe. Set on the fictional planet of Pandora, the film aims to capture the chaotic and vibrant essence of the video game series, known for its unique blend of humor, action, and colorful characters.
The film has received largely negative reviews from critics, with some describing it as a disappointment for fans of the franchise. Critics have pointed out that the film's humor and action do not translate well from the games, leading to a lackluster experience. It has been noted that the film's comedic and gory elements were toned down to a PG-13 rating, which many fans felt undermined the spirit of the original games. As of now, Borderlands has a 0% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, indicating a poor reception from critics and audiences alike.