Hidden (2015)
Hidden is a 2015 American psychological thriller film written and directed by the Duffer Brothers, known for their later success with Stranger Things. This film marks their feature film debut and stars Alexander Skarsgård, Andrea Riseborough, and Emily Alyn Lind. It was released in the United States by Warner Bros. Pictures on September 15, 2015.
Plot Summary
The film follows a family—Ray (Alexander Skarsgård), Claire (Andrea Riseborough), and their daughter Zoe (Emily Alyn Lind)—who have been living in a fallout shelter for 301 days to escape a mysterious threat lurking above ground. As they struggle to maintain their sanity and hope for a return to normal life, they must confront the terrifying reality of what lies outside their shelter. The tension escalates as they face the dangers of their environment, including the ominous presence of creatures known as "Breathers" that threaten their fragile existence.