Joy (2015)
Joy is a 2015 biographical comedy-drama film directed by David O. Russell and stars Jennifer Lawrence in the titular role. The film tells the inspiring story of Joy Mangano, a woman who rises from humble beginnings to become a successful entrepreneur and the founder of a business dynasty, primarily known for inventing the Miracle Mop.
The narrative follows Joy, who faces numerous personal and professional challenges throughout her life. Despite her struggles, including a dysfunctional family and financial hardships, she remains determined to pursue her dreams. The film spans four generations of Joy's family, showcasing her resilience as she navigates betrayal, love, and the complexities of running a business. Joy's journey is marked by her innovative spirit and her ability to turn adversity into opportunity, ultimately leading her to success in the competitive world of commerce.
Joy premiered on December 13, 2015, in New York City and was released in theaters on December 25, 2015. The film grossed approximately $101 million worldwide. It received mixed reviews from critics, with particular praise for Jennifer Lawrence's performance, which earned her a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Motion Picture Comedy or Musical. However, the film faced criticism for its writing and pacing, with some reviewers feeling that it did not fully capture the compelling aspects of Joy Mangano's story.