Kidnap (2017)
"Kidnap" is a 2017 action thriller film that follows the story of a single mother, Karla Dyson, who stops at nothing to recover her kidnapped son. The film was initially scheduled for release on various dates but faced multiple delays due to the distributor's financial challenges. It was eventually released on August 4, 2017, after being on hiatus and facing several postponements.
The film was released on Digital HD via digital distribution through Amazon Video and iTunes on October 17, 2017, before receiving its physical release on DVD and Blu-ray on October 31. In its first week, the film sold 47,629 DVDs and 33,521 Blu-rays as the sixth-most sold feature on both formats in the United States. The following week, the feature sold 16,706 DVDs and 13,000 Blu-rays.
"Kidnap" received mixed reviews, with some critics describing it as a typical thriller destined for the bargain bin, while others found it to be a zesty, refreshing guilty pleasure. The film's intense and anxiety-inducing nature was noted, particularly in its portrayal of a mother pursuing her kidnapped son.
The film stars Academy Award winner Halle Berry as Karla Dyson, the determined mother on a mission to save her son. The movie's production faced challenges, including financial difficulties and delays, but eventually made its way to the screen, showcasing Berry's intense performance as a mother in pursuit of her child.
"Kidnap" is an action thriller film that portrays the relentless pursuit of a mother to recover her kidnapped son. Despite facing delays and financial challenges during its production and release, the film garnered mixed reviews, with some praising its intense nature and Berry's performance, while others found it to be a typical thriller.