Last Straw (2023)
Last Straw is a horror-thriller film directed by Allan Scott Neal, marking his feature debut. The film features a cast that includes Jeremy Sisto, Jessica Belkin, Tara Raani, and Jack DiFalco. It premiered at the Sitges Film Festival and has been noted for its homage to classic pressure cooker genre films.
Set over the course of one chaotic night, Last Straw follows Nancy, a young waitress working the late shift at a rural roadside diner. After firing her staff, she finds herself alone when a group of masked assailants descends upon the diner, leading to a maniacal killing spree. As events spiral out of control, Nancy must fight for her life against the attackers, navigating a series of unfortunate events that unfold in the diner. The film explores themes of survival and chaos, presenting a raw twist on the home-invasion thriller genre.