My Spy (2020)
My Spy is a 2020 American action-comedy film directed by Peter Segal. The film stars Dave Bautista as JJ, a hardened CIA operative, and Chloe Coleman as Sophie, a precocious nine-year-old girl. It was released in theaters in Australia on January 9, 2020, and later made available on Amazon Prime Video on June 26, 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic impacting theatrical releases.
The story revolves around JJ, who is demoted and assigned to a mundane surveillance job. While on a mission, he is caught spying by Sophie, who blackmails him into teaching her how to be a spy in exchange for keeping his cover intact. As JJ reluctantly spends time with Sophie, he finds himself outmatched by her charm and cleverness. The film explores their evolving relationship as they navigate various comedic and action-packed situations, ultimately leading to a heartwarming conclusion.
My Spy received mixed reviews from critics. While some appreciated the film's light-hearted humor and the chemistry between Bautista and Coleman, others criticized it for being predictable and lacking depth. The film's PG-13 rating was noted for its muted violence, which some reviewers felt detracted from the action-comedy experience. Overall, it is seen as a family-friendly film that fits into the "charismatic action star meets cute kid" formula, delivering a blend of comedy and action without breaking new ground.