Need For Speed (2014)
"The Need for Speed" is a 2014 action crime film directed by Scott Waugh and written by George and John Gatins. It is the film adaptation of the racing video game franchise of the same name by Electronic Arts. The movie stars Aaron Paul, Dominic Cooper, Scott Mescudi, Imogen Poots, Ramn Rodrguez, Rami Malek, and Michael Keaton. It was distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures through the Touchstone Pictures label on March 14, 2014. The film received mixed-to-negative reviews, with criticisms directed at its story, direction, and the performances of the supporting cast, although some praised Aaron Paul's performance.
The plot revolves around a street racer who, after being framed by a wealthy business associate, joins a cross-country race with revenge in mind. The film's reception was generally negative, with criticisms directed at various aspects such as the pacing, script, and character depth. Despite this, some viewers found the movie to be an engaging thriller with a good cast.