Supercell (2023)
"Supercell" is a 2023 American disaster action film directed by Herbert James Winterstern. The movie follows William Brody, a teenager who aspires to follow in the footsteps of his late father, a legendary storm chaser who was killed by a supercell. After his father's death, the family business has been taken over by Zane Rogers (played by Alec Baldwin), a reckless tour operator who exploits storm chasing for profit. William, eager to honor his father's legacy, runs away to join his uncle and get involved in the storm-chasing business, which has now turned into a tourist attraction. The film features a cast that includes Skeet Ulrich, Anne Heche, Daniel Diemer, Jordan Kristine Seamón, Alec Baldwin.
"Supercell" was released in theaters and on video on demand on March 17, 2023. It had a limited theatrical release and was later made available on DVD and Blu-ray on May 2, 2023.
The film has received mixed reviews, with some critics noting its heart and charm despite its low-budget effects. While the storyline follows familiar tropes of disaster films, it attempts to add emotional depth through the character of William and his connection to his father's legacy. However, some performances, particularly those of Baldwin and Heche, have been critiqued for lacking believability, which detracted from the overall impact of the film.