Take Me Home Tonight (2011)
"Take Me Home Tonight" is a comedy-drama film released in the United States on March 4, 2011. The film is set in the summer of 1988 and follows the story of three friends on the verge of adulthood who attend an out-of-control party in celebration of their last night of unbridled youth. Starring Topher Grace, Anna Faris, Dan Fogler, and Teresa Palmer, the film is described as a raunchy, romantic, and ultimately touching blast from the past set to an awesome soundtrack of timeless rock and hip-hop hits.
The film received mixed to negative reviews from critics, with an overall approval rating of 28% on Rotten Tomatoes, based on 115 reviews, and a score of 42 out of 100 on Metacritic, indicating "mixed or average reviews". The critical consensus on Rotten Tomatoes states that "It has a charming sweetness about it,but Take Me Home Tonight is neither funny nor original enough to live up to the comedies it evokes". Despite its nostalgic appeal and soundtrack, the film was considered neither funny nor original enough to meet the expectations it evoked.
In terms of box office performance, "Take Me Home Tonight" was considered a box office flop, debuting at #11 during its opening weekend in North America, with a total of $3,464,679 in 2,003 theaters.
The film stars Topher Grace, Anna Faris, Dan Fogler, and Teresa Palmer in leading roles. It was directed by Michael Dowse and features a soundtrack of timeless rock and hip-hop hits, contributing to the nostalgic atmosphere of the film.
"Take Me Home Tonight" is a comedy-drama film set in the summer of 1988, following the adventures of three friends on the verge of adulthood. Despite its nostalgic appeal and soundtrack, the film received mixed to negative reviews from critics and was considered a box office flop. Starring Topher Grace, Anna Faris, Dan Fogler, and Teresa Palmer, the film aimed to capture the essence of a bygone era but fell short of meeting the comedic expectations it evoked.