The Bad Seed (2018)
The Bad Seed is a 2018 television film directed by Rob Lowe, marking his directorial debut. This film is a modern adaptation of the classic 1956 film of the same name, which itself was based on the 1954 novel by William March. The movie stars Mckenna Grace as Emma, a seemingly perfect young girl, alongside Rob Lowe, who plays her father, David Grossman.
The story revolves around Emma Grossman, a nine-year-old girl who exhibits signs of psychopathy. After a tragic incident at her school, her father begins to suspect that Emma may have been involved in the death of a classmate. As he delves deeper into her behavior, he is forced to confront the unsettling possibility that his daughter is not the innocent child he believed her to be. The film explores themes of parental trust, the nature of evil, and the complexities of familial relationships.