Hostage (2005)
Hostage is a 2005 American action thriller film directed by Florent-Emilio Siri. The film stars Bruce Willis as Jeff Talley, a former LAPD hostage negotiator who finds himself in a dire situation. It is based on the 2001 novel of the same name by Robert Crais and was adapted for the screen by Doug Richardson.
Plot Summary
The story follows Jeff Talley (Bruce Willis), who, after a traumatic hostage negotiation incident, resigns from the LAPD and takes a job as the police chief in a quiet suburban town. However, his life takes a dramatic turn when a family is taken hostage during a robbery gone wrong. As Talley attempts to negotiate their release, he discovers that his own family has been kidnapped by the same criminals, forcing him to make a harrowing choice between saving a family he doesn't know and rescuing his own loved ones. The film escalates into a tense standoff, blending action with psychological drama as Talley navigates the situation's complexities.