Incoming (2024)
Incoming is a 2024 American teen comedy film directed by Dave Chernin and John Chernin, marking their feature-length debut. The film was released on Netflix on August 23, 2024. It follows a group of high school freshmen as they navigate the challenges of adolescence during a chaotic party.
Plot Summary
The story revolves around Benji (played by Mason Thames) and his friends—Mason Thomas, Ramon Reed, Raphael Alejandro, and Bardia Seiri—as they experience their first week of high school. The film captures their attempts to fit in and impress their peers, particularly as they crash a big party thrown by a popular student. Throughout the night, they encounter various comedic and awkward situations, dealing with themes such as peer pressure, validation, and the complexities of teenage life, including issues like catcalling and substance use.