White Snake Animated (2019)
White Snake is a 2019 adult animated fantasy film directed by Amp Wong and Zhao Ji, produced by Light Chaser Animation. The film is inspired by the classic Chinese folktale, Legend of the White Snake, and was released in China on January 11, 2019. It has been showcased at various international film festivals, including the Annecy International Animation Film Festival and the BFI London Film Festival.
Plot Summary
The story follows Blanca, a young woman who has lost her memory and is saved by Xuan, a snake catcher from a nearby village. Together, they embark on a journey to uncover Blanca's true identity. As they delve deeper into her past, they encounter supernatural forces and a darker plot that threatens the balance of their world. The film combines elements of wuxia action, romance, and fantasy, presenting a rich narrative filled with mythical creatures and themes of love and sacrifice.